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Salsa Choke is here!

Our Workshop is officialy open for you to register and be part of our Colombian Salsa Choke community. During 4 weeks starting on July 6th and finishing July 30th 2020 you will be introduce to the Colombian rhythm, culture and main moves. Lots of hips and harms movements combine with smooth leg steps and a big smiles.

After our sessions (1 hour long) you will feel full of energy and motivation. Our instructor Camila Cepeda is ready to share with you the beauty of this Colombian dance originating from the pacific region. An urban salsa style that will make you experience a totally new way of salsa dancing.

If you would like to know more about what you will learn during tis 4 classes workshop, visit our page DANCE CLASSES.

Follow us in Intagram and Facebook @salsa.and.sabor

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